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Using LipiFlow in the Greater Milwaukee Area

LipiFlow is a medical device that uses thermal pulsation

LipiFlow is a medical device that uses thermal pulsation to solve Dry Eye conditions related to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). MGD is a medical condition that causes Dry Eye due to glands that produce lubricating oils on the eye, becoming clogged. Literally – clogged.

The procedure is very simple for the patient. The LipiFlow device combines heat with physical massage, to liquiefy and express the meibomian gland contents. The result in successful procedures is; the lipid layer (lipids are the lubricating substance on your eye) returns to normal again. Patients who undergo successful LipiFlow procedures report long term improvement, not just short term relief.

The procedure is done in 4 simple steps

Lipiflow steps
  • 1 We use the Lipiscan imaging device to examine your Meibomian glands. This allows us to diagnose your condition, though additional testing may be needed.
  • 2 If it’s determined that you have MGD, we can proceed with the first 12 minute treatment. Before we begin, we use numbing drops to help ease any potential discomfort.
  • 3 Next, the system’s activators – dome shaped, single-use sterile devices; are placed on your eyes. Their vaulted shape keeps your corneas protected during the treatment, which focuses on the inner eyelids, where the Meibomian glands are located.
  • 4 Using what’ called Vector Thermal Pulsation technology, the activators send heat into the glands inside your lids. While the outer part of the device gently massages the gland areas. This combination of heat plus pressure reduces blockages.

We have friendly, caring staff who listen.

Learn About LipiFlow